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![]() Go to ClaraAndClarenceBear.com for more of San Francisco children's illustrator Cat Wong's work see One Two Peek-a-Boo "With animation, sound, and interaction, toddlers will have fun learning to count from 1 to 10. Featuring Clara, Clarence Bear and their little friends, this e-book entertains with playful, vibrant visuals." Cat Wong 2011-11 go to Apple iTunes store through this link itunes.apple.com/us/app/1-2-peekaboo-hd/id466097191?mt=8 See also San Francisco information promotion featuring photos from Cat Wong's friends Norberto and Shelley Li pictures from top of supension tower of Golden Gate Bridge taken circa 2009 |
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Copyright © 1995-2009 NetPac Communications Ltd. BC Canada
The following is an encoded Chinese language version of "Why Immigrate to Canada? Why Use Immigration Lawyers? [materials provided by Lowe & Company's Immigration Web Archives encoded into web browser readable traditional style Chinese fonts by Dan Tam, Economics co-op student from the University of Victoria ŽlŒÂˆ×Y›õ ˆêAˆ×r›õ‰Á\‘å 1. ”í—ü‡š ”r–¼‘æˆê 2. Œ‰ŸÄ“IŠÂ‹« 3. Š®‘P“IŒ’NŒì— 4. ’´‘ì“I‹³ˆç§“x 5. ¬—§›ß‹v“I˜±FlŽÐ™½ 6. Ží‘°—ZŸ¨‹y‘Š“™‹@˜ð 7. ˆÀ‘S“IçÁ‹ß’n™½ 8. Úšß”üš 9. ¥™Z—˜ì“IÅ”üD‘O“r “ñAˆ×r›õ“ŠŽ‘ˆÚ–¯
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Japanese translation (work in process - alpha test encode) of term Canada "work permit" also known as "work visa"